CRAP is what I woke up to find all over the kitchen table today...yes that's mini frozen pizza Lily decided to eat for a before breakfast snack.
CRAP is what we found on the floor when we thought it was ok to keep Lily out of a diaper on Saturday...toilet training is up and down these days. Happy to say it was on the hardwood.
CRAP is a word my 9 yr old just loves to use these days..."Ah crap I forgot my book," or "Ah crap, I don't want to go to bed." I am not loving it.
CRAP is what I find all over if I even turn my head for a second...Lily has learned that the safety cabinet locks come off if they aren't tight enough...Great!
CRAP it's a good thing they are cute!!
Geographies of Kinship
12 years ago